Dienstag, 6. November 2007

lost angel

i’m walking away from this place
where all those things have started

and you are looking down from the sky
with your brightest smile
that can reach the darkest corner

what is it that you want from me?
what is it that you expect from me?

i already made my final decision

and even when god is your name
you are not able to change my mind

take your wings back
i don’t want to carry them anymore
and i can’t carry them anymore

this burden is too heavy for my broken back
and my heart is already on the course to death

and even when god is your name
you are not able to change my mind

i have saved so many lives
and i have saved so many souls

but who is the one who would save me?

don’t you see that i can’t stay anymore?
don’t you see that i can’t fly anymore?

and even when god is your name
you are not able to change my mind

this sea of bitter tears where i am swimming now
will eat me soon with his biggest joy

shouldn’t you be my saviour?
shouldn’t you be my warming light?

this can’t go on in such a way
i’m out of control after the loss of my faith

and even when god is your name
you are not able to change my mind

i’m going downstairs to knock on the lovely devil's door

and maybe he will let me in
because you let me down

and maybe he will take me in his arms
because you have pushed me away

i’m not your beloved angel anymore

i’m not your beloved angel anymore


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